Manweb and the early years of Electric Supply
50 Years Service (5.56MB) |
Dr Sebastian Ferranti |
Early Electric Supply by P dE Stowell 1955-56 |
Early Electric Supply by P J Robinson 1940 (5.506MB) |
Pages from Ted Bostock 16 pages |
Electricity Rural Development 1882 to 1948 (1.257MB) |
Electricity Rural Development 1948 to 1956 (3.7MB) |
Merseyside Electrical Industry History (22.225MB)(very large file) |
Electricity Supply in Great Britain 1977-A Chronology 105 pages (2.15MB) |
Southport Tarriffs (0.982MB) |
Draft Article - Life Changes (0.17MB) |
Opening of Wallasey Extensions in 1928 (2.2MB) |
The Mersey Power Company 1932 (0.84MB) |
Excerpt from Electrical Times Handbook 1979 (0.843MB) |
A Brief History of the Industry (1.888MB) |
BEA Graduate Training Document October 1948 (0.789MB) |
Pre Manweb Organization 1943 Network |
Manweb Organization November 1992 |
Manweb Organization August 1994 |
Network Developments |
1937 Factories Act Original from 1938 |
1937 Regulations reprint 1979 |
Stanley Church Green Lane, Liverpool 1932 (0.47MB) |
Athletic Festival-Field Day Liverpool 1946 16 pages |
The Announcer Philips Electrical 1949 Magazine |
Historic England Heritage Assets in 20th Century |
40 year old Calendar 1948-88 |
190 pages Phone Directory February 1992 |
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Click icons for documents but WARNING they are large files and may take time to download.
Thanks to Bill Tubey and Ted Bostock Archive for many of the information sources.