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The Mersey Gateway Bridge

This set of photos thanks to Peter Ogden and one from Brian Thompson

30 August 2017
Views from Widnes Side.

This is part of text from Peter's entry................
"Had a walk down Spike Island to check on progress.
All the tower cranes have been removed plus the scaffolding.
I noticed on the North and Central tower there are steel structures overhanging the road on each side of the towers.
I have no idea what these are for but could be extra ANPR units. Lots of vehicle movement on the Widnes side bringing the Tarmac for the surface, poles are already up for the lighting and I should imagine it won’t be long before we are travelling over. Here are just a few photos from what I could see."
Brian Thompson later that day came up with the last photo in sequence showing that they are indeed lights for the towers "These are the lights, Peter. A Mersey Gateway © photo"

Thanks for looking. I would just like to say that I have enjoyed taking all the photo’s (just over 800) from the start of building (July 2014) along with Brian doing the Runcorn side. It certainly differs from the building of the Jubilee Bridge (cloth cap, steel capped boots pipework and planks plus the fire buckets for heating the rivets for the steelwork.

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Fiddlers ferry
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Fiddlers ferry
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Fiddlers ferry
30 August 2017 - this from Brian Thompson
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30 August 2017