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The Mersey Gateway Bridge

This set of photos thanks to Peter Ogden

Not a good day for photos!
A short visit down to Spike for updates on the Bridge but as I arrived the drizzle started making it practically impossible for photo's but it cleared enough for me to take a few photo's.
The small former on the Widnes side appears to be smaller and on checking further along the banking I noticed small sections of the unit under the bridge (the same also applies to the Runcorn side.) The crane on the centre Tower is now three sections lower theses were removed this afternoon.
Small sections of Webster have also been removed and are on the ground below the unit.
Here are just a couple of photo's from the visit.
29 June 2017
Views mainly from Spike Island.

Click on small photos to see larger image

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Fiddlers ferry
29 June 2017
Fiddlers ferry
Fiddlers ferry
29 June 2017
Fiddlers ferry
End of WEBSTER 29 June 2017?
Fiddlers ferry
Bridge 29 June 2017
Fiddlers ferry
Bridge 29 June 2017