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The Mersey Gateway Bridge
from Spike Island
This set of photos thanks to Peter (Blueaircraft)

12 June 2017
A couple of hours spent down on Spike Island checking on the Bridge Progress.
Gaps between all the road sections are now practically closed.
A couple of the Towers need further cables adding but the Centre Tower is complete.
Over on the Canal at Widnes two pipes have been installed.
I have made enquires about these and they are pipes to direct water from the bridge in to canal .
This water will pass through a Filtration System to remove all the waste such as oil etc. from the road before letting the water into the canal.

My next visit in about 2 to 3 weeks I am hoping will see the closure of the road sections.

Here are just a few photo's from the visit.

I must say that Brian and myself have taken quite a few photo's since the beginning of the build which started in 2014.

Click on small photos to see more

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Fiddlers ferry
12 June 2017
Fiddlers ferry
12 June 2017
Fiddlers ferry
12 June 2017